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Home or Business – Urban or Rural

As long as you are in a 4G coverage area, Access Broadband can provide you with superfast broadband. What’s more, with no need for the digging up of roads and pavements for underground cabling or roadside cabinets, Access Broadband can install equipment and deliver internet service for you, within a day.

No longer will you have to make do with slow broadband that can put your business at a disadvantage. Following trials in Cumbria with EE over the last 18 months, businesses that took part are already seeing the difference. The service is allowing them to market their businesses more effectively, increasing their efficiency and in turn boosting customer interest.

Using an IP66 rated external 4G Router (usually at first floor or roof level) connected to a compatible router/modem via external grade Ethernet cabling, we can provide broadband internet to PC’s, tablets and smart phones, whether they are 4G compatible or not. So, you can achieve city speeds without the need to be in the city.

For peace of mind, the equipment and service is backed by a 12 month warranty . So, if you want to find out more on the Access Broadband service or want to know if you are in a 4G coverage area, please contact us via email, Twitter or on our Freephone number.

For more information contact us on 0800 7999 400
or email [email protected]

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